Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Keep Family Memories for Years to Come

Growing up, my parents took pictures but not many. Life changed quickly at a young age and the time flew by and the memories were gone. And I don't have many photos now of my childhood that I wish so badly I had. Maybe that's why I don't remember much about it?? Anyone who knows me, knows that, without a doubt, I possibly have the worst memory EVER. lol Maybe if I had some pictures I would remember.
Its funny though, how when I do look at the pictures that I have from my childhood, I remember all OF THOSE times.

My whole point is, I want my children to be able to look back, remember and even possibly feel how it once felt in the moment of taking those photos. To remember all the wonderful times and really be brought back.

I make it a point to every month or two, download and order every single picture I take. As soon as I get them in the mail I put them right into a photo book. Once that book is full, I write a list of all their favorite things at the time, the funny things they say and do, favorite foods, absolutely anything I can think of, along with a long letter from me and their dad about life at the time.
As much as sometimes I would rather just sit and NOT put the photos in the book, I know that one day they will appreciate all 200 or more photo albums of their lives :)

Cheers to our children, may we all make sure they can reflect on the beautiful lives we give them :)

ABOVE are some throw back pictures of my son with his sweet long curly hair :)

This little Boy is the light of my whole world. Of course my sweet Riley is as well, but there is something very very special about the bond between a Mother and her Son. 

It cannot be described. Just like the love that you hold for your children can not be described in words. 

Now that I have this little man, I can't even imagine my life without him. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Moraski Angels

I had the absolute pleasure and fun photographing my friends Amy & Matt's Children this morning.

It was so easy to just sit back and capture the pure beauty that just pours out of the souls of these two little people. You can tell in every shot how so very happy and so deeply loved these children are.

Luke loves his little baby sister Lyla with all his sweet little heart and you can just see how much Little Lyla just ADORES her brother.

I am so happy that I could be apart of this family's life story as I documented such precious moments in time. I know that they will look back on all these images for years to come and smile just like they did back in the very same moment on this day.

Sweet Luke will be in Riley's class year in The Village School and I can't wait to share many more special times with these little munchkins :).

Thank you to Amy and Matt for giving me such an amazing opportunity to photograph their beautiful angels.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Mother's Love is Forever

My very dear friends who I have known for over 10 years now, Ashleigh & Charlie Bryant, are loosing their mother to a disease called CJD.

I can't imagine having to endure the thought of knowing my mother only had months to live.

My friend Charlie has given up everything to be there for his mother day in and day out. She can no longer walk well, speak, eat solid foods, etc. Charlie takes care of her full time 24 hours a day.

There are so many wonderful people, friends, family and even members of the community who have been so gracious to assist him and his sister Ashleigh in whatever it is they need.

I am so lucky to know this family and I am so fortunate to know such a absolutely ONE OF A KIND vivacious extraordinary woman named Stephanie Bryant. 

It has been my pleasure bringing dinners and spending time with them on a weekly basis. 

I know Charlie, Ashleigh, Family and Friends don't have much longer to spend with Stephanie. But I do know that without a doubt so many people love this family and are here for them unconditionally.

I had the honor of photographing Stephanie's Birthday Party and wanted to share the love.

If you would like to help this family in any way at all, please contact me at 239.200.3075 either by phone call or text. They can use all the help they can get.

I know I speak on behalf of The Bryant Family when I say how truly blessed and grateful they are for everyone who has been there without fail. 

Pictures to follow...

a tree for mom.