Sunday, July 22, 2012

Moraski Angels

I had the absolute pleasure and fun photographing my friends Amy & Matt's Children this morning.

It was so easy to just sit back and capture the pure beauty that just pours out of the souls of these two little people. You can tell in every shot how so very happy and so deeply loved these children are.

Luke loves his little baby sister Lyla with all his sweet little heart and you can just see how much Little Lyla just ADORES her brother.

I am so happy that I could be apart of this family's life story as I documented such precious moments in time. I know that they will look back on all these images for years to come and smile just like they did back in the very same moment on this day.

Sweet Luke will be in Riley's class year in The Village School and I can't wait to share many more special times with these little munchkins :).

Thank you to Amy and Matt for giving me such an amazing opportunity to photograph their beautiful angels.

1 comment:

  1. I am lyla and i looked up myself and I found the really presous coment about my family thank you
